Sunday, 25 October 2009

Story of my Blogging

In an attempt to understand what the youth of our nation are reading, I recently borrowed a copy of 'Twilight' from the library and attempted to read a bit of it. That, my friend, was a horrendous mistake. I have read many books, many of which were boring, terrible, and lame, but I must admit that 'Twilight' was the worst book I have read in a very, very, very long time. The writing was sloppy, ('he said... she said... he said.. she said') there was no character development (all they talked about was physical attraction and blood), and emotional (as in, your emotions are engaged because your intellect has nothing to grasp hold of). Now, I am all about stories that use interesting mediums to convey truth and a positive world view, HOWEVER, a story about vampires that does nothing but feed dangerous emotions and discuss sexuality with dangerous creatures just isn't my thing. It was a terrible book. I skimmed through the first half and then quit. I'm sorry for offending some of you, but those are my thoughts. I'd welcome any further discussion some of you (if anyone reads this) may have.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Thursday Night (Again)

I just realized that the only time I find to write on this blog is on Thursdays when I am attempting to avoid writing the essay that I have due tommorrow afternoon. Tonight, it's looking like I could even get to sleep before 3AM because I already have 4 pages written, but still need 3 more paragraphs. Basically, I'm almost done, but I need to buckle down and finish, and I don't really want to.

Life is plugging away here. I'm going to Spain this weekend. I'm excited, but I have to survive my two papers and massive amounts of reading. Oh well.

Friday, 27 February 2009

kids books

can i just say that having to read 'Peter Pan' for a paper requirement is pretty much amazing.
while others are slogging through books on Kant and Hiedeger (didn't spell that right), i'm reading Tolkien and Lewis and Barrie, looking at what fairy tales accomplish and why taking characters into another world is a vaild type of literature.
this means i 'have' to read books like the Narnia Chronicles, 'The Phantom Tollbooth,' 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,' & 'Bridge to Terabithia'.
its great.
who else do you know that went to Oxford got to read kids books as part of the bargain?
crazy, isn't it?
anyway, i'm excited.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009


there have been very few moments when i could honestly say i didn't like my life.
this is one of those moments.
it is 1:23AM.
i have a paper due tomorrow.
i have 3 1/3 pages, i need 5.
life... isn't very pleasant at the moment.
if i could give up & sleep, i would.
but i already got a terrible paper review, and i need to not do it again.
so, i'll sally forth.
stiff upper lip, and all that rot.
and try not to cry.

Monday, 23 February 2009


This weekend, I went to a delightful little place called Ramsgate, UK. It was truly brilliant. There was an ocean, cute cafes with tea, a lovely guesthouse, a cute thrift store dress, and cheap fish and chips. It was great.
I must say that it was very strange to not be in a town full of academics. Oxford is driven by scholarship and the prestige therein, while Ramsgate seemed less strenuous. It was a nice place to simply be. There were old people, little kids, and families, and my friend and I stuck out quite a bit because we were students. To go from a city where you are part of the majority to a place where you are the minority is a bit strange. It was nice though.
I'm realizing more and more that I do not think I'm cut out for a life in academics. Don't get me wrong, if God told me to go to grad school, I would go. But I'm not 100% sold on the idea of living in books and libraries for the rest of my life. It seems like there needs to be more than just the books. I really miss working with other people and doing stained glass. I'm definately loving my time here, but I really do miss other aspects of my life. I don't talk to people very much while I'm here, and I miss that about my life. I keep seeing beautiful pieces of stained glass, and I really want to figure out how to make things like that for myself.
Basically, I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but I'm becoming more and more sure that achieving high scholastic honors isn't going to be one of my goals in life. I'm not saying that because I think I'm unintelligent, or can't do the work required, but because I really am not sure that its what I or God want to do with my life.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

slogging on

Well, I've started week 5 here in good old Oxford, England. And, I think I might be a little homesick. Shocking, I know, but I think it might actually be happening a little. It so crowded here, so many people, so few smiling. I really do enjoy cities, but I think today the business of this one really hit me. There are so many, many people here doing the same thing I'm doing (reading obscure books and eating Digestives (British cookie/cracker thing, like what you would get if Vanilla Wafers and Graham Crackers combined)). Sometimes it is difficult to see people no matter how hard I try. Anyway, I really do like it here, but I was a little overwhelmed with the vast amounts of people who also live here.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Late at Night

I should be doing homework.
I really should be trying to understand the literary elements found in Matthew Arnold's literary criticism.
I shouldn't be awake; it's 2:45 AM.
This does not bode well for the rest of the week.
Maybe it will get better.
Mabye I'll sleep.
Ok, so I can see the week turning out alright, but sleep?
I'm at Oxford, we never sleep.
Now, I'm rambling.
It's a good thing I'm not trying to write a paper at the moment.
Instead, I'm trying to read Victorian Lit Crit.
Yeah, I think its time for me to say "good night".
So, goodnight world!
I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.

Valentine's Day

I officially survived an entire Valentine's Day without feeling depressed about being single. I kow this may sound strange so some of you, but usually I spend some moment during the day lamenting my "single" relationship status, and this time it didn't happen. I even went places and saw other couples looking dreamy and what have you. I was even in Oxford, where every shop window had hearts and every restaraunt was advertsing some amazing dinner just for that night. I even went to a classical music concert with a bunch of girls. And it didn't seem to bother me at all. I'm quite excited. I don't necessarily think this means I've reach some amazing milestone in my progression as a person, but I'm glad that it was a good day.

A funny thing happened, too. My friends and I got dressed up and took a bus into town to go to the concert. When we sat down, someone had taken flowers out of a boquet and left them on the bus seat. So, each of us got a random red carnation from God on Valentine's Day. It was quite nice. I'm not real sure why someone left a whole bunch of carnations on a bus seat, but we didn't mind too much.

The concert we went to was absolutely amazing. We heard the Oxford City Orchestra, and they play Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Bizet, Egard (maybe), and someone else, and it was lovely. The music was romantic, dark, personal and deep. It was interesting to watch people respond to the music while in this amazing concert hall built in the 1600's. People falling in love over classical music is always a bit interesting to watch.

After that, we went and had dessert. And then I walked home with a friend. And read almost the rest of Jane Austen's "Emma". Now, I shall go drink some tea, and read some Matthew Arnold in hopes that I'll figure out what he's talking about.

Friday, 13 February 2009

conclusion for poem

in case anyone was wondering, the poem i wrote is worthy of ice cream the day after Valentine's Day. oh well.

Monday, 9 February 2009

an attempt at a free dinner

Slogging on from ten till two,
With homework keeping me ever blue,
On a whim I happened to check my e-mail
And spied what could be my chance for repeal
T’was there a message, wild and sweet,
Calling single girls for a chance to meet
Two kind gentlemen perchance for dinner
If lines of verse would prove a winner.

Filled with hope of an amorous kind,
I rushed to my pen, new lines there to find,
Slaving and work and struggling all day
All was hard work till my poem was okay.
Rejoicing in spite of my long labored dues,
I knew with my poem, who else could they choose?
Running and jumping and skipping with glee
My world looked much brighter with hope of the spree.

Taking my lines to my proofreading friend,
I wanted to make sure how my story would end.
Excitedly sharing my time of preparing,
Grimacing she said she had news was worth sharing.
Not writing a poem or even attempting a line,
She declared she been asked by the gentlemen to dine.
Without enough submissions two day before due
The gentlemen decided they knew what to do.

Asking girls out should be done with care
Especially if mentioning free dinner somewhere.
Alas, my story is too sad to be told:
I was all prepared but now I’ll grow old
Holding my banished, forgotten rhyme
Unwanted or seen during my Oxford time.
Baby, don’t hurt me by leaving me alone
Find me a date because I don't have a phone.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

kitchen dance

tonight i was a part of something interesting.
it was late.
it's thursday.
we're all frazzled because we're at Oxford where no one sleeps.
it's snowing outside, so things in Oxford are shut down.
everyone has spent too many hours reading books and trying to manipulate words on a page.
one girl busts out her iPod.
another plugs it into the dock in the kitchen and turns the volume up to a moderate level.
with hips swaying and arms singing, we danced in the kitchen.
it was beautiful.
one of the few times i have been with a group of dancing girls and did not feel like i needed to impress someone.
everyone laughed at the lame dance moves we all attempted.
and then laughed again when something worked like it was supposed to.
we came and went.
it reminded me of a Virgina Wolfe line that says something to this effect:
"No need to impress. No need to be anyone but oneself."
a truly lovely moment took place in our kitchen.
it was great.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

adventures into the world of soup

For those of you who don't know, while in Oxford, I live in a house with about 40 other people and we take turns cooking meals for groups of 12-8 of us at a time. Well... tonight was my night to cook for 13 people. This was my moment; make it or break it.

Can I just say that I am not a world class chef by any stretch of the imagination? I'm really good at things like toast, quesadillas, and stir fry. Nothing too complicated. You cook it till it looks done, and call it a day. Upon coming to Oxford and being a part of this cooking group thing, I've somehow managed to give the impression that I am something of a cook/amazing person in the kitchen. Now, I have a sister and a mother, both of whom are fabulous cooks, maker of delicious things, and teasers of me because I don't cook as often as they do. Of the three of us, I'm the one who makes the best top ramen and salad. Oh yes, I can cut up a mean head of lettuce, let me tell you.

For the first time Ever, I have prepared, made and eaten a pot of soup made completely independent of outside help. Yes, my mother and I talked on Skype about howo to make it, but when it came down to it, I was the one who put all the stuff together, cooked everything, and served it. Oh yes, I served soup to 10 people and no one's gotten ill, or anything. It tasted good, it looked pretty great, and I made it.

Ok, I'm done with my bragging session, but I thought someone should know about this amazing event and the significance therein. I'm pretty excited. But now, I must go write a paper on Dramatic Monologue in Tennyson and Browning's poetry.

Good night, and good luck.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

a little late

hello everyone!
well, i'm a little late at the whole blogging thing, but for those of you who don't know, i'm in Oxford England for a semester. i will write more than i'm going to write right now at another time. i promise.
right now, my feet really really hurt because i went Scottish dancing, which was amazing.
i will write later.
be a light.