Monday, 23 February 2009


This weekend, I went to a delightful little place called Ramsgate, UK. It was truly brilliant. There was an ocean, cute cafes with tea, a lovely guesthouse, a cute thrift store dress, and cheap fish and chips. It was great.
I must say that it was very strange to not be in a town full of academics. Oxford is driven by scholarship and the prestige therein, while Ramsgate seemed less strenuous. It was a nice place to simply be. There were old people, little kids, and families, and my friend and I stuck out quite a bit because we were students. To go from a city where you are part of the majority to a place where you are the minority is a bit strange. It was nice though.
I'm realizing more and more that I do not think I'm cut out for a life in academics. Don't get me wrong, if God told me to go to grad school, I would go. But I'm not 100% sold on the idea of living in books and libraries for the rest of my life. It seems like there needs to be more than just the books. I really miss working with other people and doing stained glass. I'm definately loving my time here, but I really do miss other aspects of my life. I don't talk to people very much while I'm here, and I miss that about my life. I keep seeing beautiful pieces of stained glass, and I really want to figure out how to make things like that for myself.
Basically, I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but I'm becoming more and more sure that achieving high scholastic honors isn't going to be one of my goals in life. I'm not saying that because I think I'm unintelligent, or can't do the work required, but because I really am not sure that its what I or God want to do with my life.

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